Australian AI Awards - Thank you!

Congratulations to each of the finalists and winners at the recent Australian AI Awards!

It was a great honour to attend the awards as a finalist in 3 categories:

•             AI Leader of the Year – SME

•             AI Consultant of the Year – SME

•             AI Academic / Researcher of the Year

Thank you to my Australis Chambers’ clients and to my colleagues for your enthusiasm for the use and development of AI in diverse, innovative and beneficial ways. Thank you to Momentum Media for the inaugural event.

Let’s continue to build and promote safe and well-regulated AI based on a deep appreciation of professionalism, human rights, legal governance and ethical practices.

I hope also that my book - Teaching Professionals - AI Edition! - will be an enabler for AI innovation and growth, improve AI literacy and reduce the AI digital divide.

Congratulations again to all the Australian AI Awards 2024 winners and finalists for all that you are doing to develop a safe, reliable, and human-centric future for us all.

Dr Nigel Wilson, Director, Australis Chambers

Dr Nigel Wilson is an Australian lawyer and privacy, cybersecurity and technology regulatory specialist with over thirty years’ experience.

He is the author of the international, award-winning Teaching Professionals – Revised AI Edition! and is also a professional workplace trainer and educator for corporations, legal practices, governments, critical infrastructures and not-for-profits.

Dr Nigel Wilson, Australis Chambers

LLB (Hons), BEc, BCL Oxford, Cybersecurity Harvard, PhD             0413 807 585


Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation


Nigel Wilson